Minggu, 21 Maret 2010


European Union is an interest topic for countries in every part of the earth. European Union is a politic organization although it concern in economic side. But, in the fact it also concern in every side for example in social aspect, the disability dimension is a part of EU work to promote opportunities for the disabled. And in education aspect there is an Erasmus program. As university students are interesting to talk about studying abroad even they can get the scholarship. The education European Union program that called Erasmus program. Erasmus program is European Region Action Scheme to Mobility University Students. This Program built on the 1981-1986 pilot student exchanges, and although it was formally adopted only shortly before the beginning of the academic year 1987/8, it was still possible for 3,244 students to participate in Erasmus in its first year. In 2006, over 150,000 students, or almost 1% of the European student population, took part. It forms a major part of the European Union Lifelong Learning Program 2007–2013 and is the operational framework for the European Commission 's initiatives in higher education. The Program fosters not only learning and understanding of the host country, but also a sense of community among students from different countries. Some tutors in Europe are often keen for students of subjects, such as Politics or International Relations to participate in Erasmus.
Erasmus has a number of specific objectives, there are improve the quality and to increase the volume of teaching staff mobility throughout Europe, so as to achieve at least 3 million students and teacher exchanges by 2010. Erasmus improves the quality and increase the amount of multilateral cooperation between higher education institutions in Europe, absolutely they can share the knowledge that they got from different of university. Erasmus improves and increases cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises. The graduated from Erasmus has good qualities then they can get job earlier. Erasmus spreads innovation and new pedagogic practice and supports between universities so they can get a creative innovation. The disability dimension is a part of EU work to promote opportunities for the disabled.
Everything has the advantages and disadvantages and also for Erasmus program. The advantages Erasmus program is the Erasmus experience is considered both a time for learning as well as a chance to socialize. It is seen as a great opportunity to study abroad while not having the expense of studying outside the European Union as the grant available to Erasmus students are not available to those opting to leave the continent to study. Some academics have speculated that former Erasmus students will prove to be a powerful force in creating a pan-European identity .
The disadvantage of Erasmus program is the awarded amount varies significantly from country to country. In any case, don’t expect the full scholarship. Then sometimes there are so many miscommunication because they come from different countries. Bacause to study in university uses English but in daily activity they uses their language self. So it’s can make a miscommunication.
The Erasmus has a different program for non-Europeans, it was named Erasmus Mundus. This parallel program is oriented towards globalizing European education. Whereas the Erasmus Program is open to Europeans, the Erasmus Mundus is open to non-Europeans with Europeans being exceptional cases. There are currently 2,199 higher education institutions participating in Erasmus Mundus across the 31 countries involved in the Socrates Program and over 1.6 million students have already taken part. The requirement to participate the program, student must be studying for a degree or diploma at a tertiary-level institution and must have completed their first year. Student who join the Erasmus Program, study for a period of at least 3 months to an academic year in another European country. The Erasmus Program guarantees that the period spent abroad is recognized by their university when they come back as long as they abide by terms previously agreed. Students who join the Erasmus Program study for a period of at least 3 months to an academic year in another European country. The Erasmus Programme guarantees that the period spent abroad is recognized by their university when they come back as long as they abide by terms previously agreed. A main part of the Program is that students do not pay extra tuition fees to the university that they visit. Students can also apply for an Erasmus grant to help cover the additional expense of living abroad. Students can also apply for an Erasmus grant to help cover the additional expense of living abroad. The special program of Erasmus is students with disabilities can also apply for additional grant to cover extraordinary expenses.
Erasmus program has given many advantages to student university, especially Indonesian student who joining in the Erasmus. The graduated have to come to developing countries universities like Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, India and Indonesia to promote the Erasmus program and give some tips how to get the scholarship and how to adapt in there. In the other hand, the student university can take this moment for a trip because we haven’t to make a different visa for going another country in European Union. Erasmus student from Indonesia able to know and learn about Technology Information, social, economy, cultures, etc.
Hopely Erasmus Indonesian graduated can share their experience then apply the knowledge in Indonesia. And help the other student in Indonesia to get scholarship like them. Our government and the student who will join the Erasmus program have to make treaty about they have to come back to Indonesia after they have graduated. Then Indonesia’s government have to give facilities for them during they are studying in Erasmus. Indonesian student who join Erasmus program not only study but also they can introduce all of about Indonesia for example what a beautiful scenery, how a friendly Indonesian, many kind of tribes in Indonesia, the various of languages, traditional dances, traditional foods, and so on. This opportunity, can be used to increase the tourist to go to Indonesia.
Indonesia’s government have to support this program, so that the Indonesia student can join Erasmus program easily and they will study well because their facilities that they were needed available. And also they have so many opportunity to get knowledge in everything side.
Octaviana Wulandari
Aprillia Devi Fatimah
Anna Mahsusoh
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Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

perempuan dg cinta

koq bisa ya cewek gonta ganti pasangan dg mudahnya???? atau emg dia gak pake perasaan ketika menjalin hubungan?????

kebanyakan cewek yg sudah mengenal cintta, dan dia meyakini mencintai sesorang, dia akan terus mencintainya, bahkan dosennkuu bilang perempuan akn menyimpan perasaannya sampai 40 tahun lebih... oh sungguh mengharukan, sementarra si lelaki telah menyakiti sesakit apapun, wanita akan tetaap mncintainya walau tampaknya ddia marah, namun dilubuk hati yg terdalam cinta itu tetap tumbuh. hemm sayangnya lelaki kadang buaya, tapi anehnya walaupun udah au laki2 itu buaya, si perempuan ttetap cinta, uchhhh sampai ada yg menyimpulkan kalau wanita pecinta binattang,,,,,,,??????
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Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Dari Pengamen kecil

Dalam setiap episode kehidupan yang kita jalani, pastilah ada masa di mana kita menghadapi berbagai halangan dan rintangan, Besar maupun kecil,ringan maupun berat.Hal tersebut sebenarnya adalah hal yang sangat lumrah terjadi,bahkan dalam setiap perjuangan yang kita lalui,pada saat kita sedang berencana untuk mewujudkan semua impian,jalan terjal pastilah kita lewati. Tak ada satupun hal semudah kita kira,bahkan meskipun semua sudah kita rencanakan dengan sangat sempurna. Hambatan,kesulitan,gangguan,kekeliruan,ketidakberhasilan,bahkan tak sedikit yang berujung pada kegagalan,mau tidak mau harus kita terima.
Hari dimana hati sedang gundah, marah pada keadaan dan putus asa karena sebuah kegagalan, diri ini terbuai dengan goncangan perjalanan bus kota sampai lupa apa yang telah dipikirkan karena otak terus melayang menyesali keadaan, Seorang gadis kecil yang kurus kecil mengamen di dalam bus kota menyanyikan sebuah lagu dengan penuh penghayatan, hati ini tersentak, bukan karena suaranya yang merdu, bukan karena keelokan rupanya apalagi kaarena cara memainkan alat music. Tetapi karena syair lagunya yang sangat menyindir hati, syairnya yang diucap beberapa kali yang membuat hati ini berkobar kembali.
“ walau aq gadis kecil yang tak berdaya, tak punya orang tua dan juga sanak keluarga. Aq punya mimpi yang sangat tinggi dan aku tak akan pernah putus asa walau harus mengamen. ……..”
Pengamen kecil itu saja semangat menjalani hidupnya dan pantang menyerah, tak layak bersedih hati karena masalah kecil. Harus tetap semangat menjali rintangan yang ada. Karena kesuksesan bukan dimana kita mencapai kemenangan tapi dimana kita menantang rintangan.
By : Anna Mahsusoh
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